Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A wonderful prayer - thanks Tim

Just wanted to keep this here at hand - sometimes what I read online speaks way more than things I hear spoken in church here - there is much wonderful wisdom out there.. this is a most beautiful prayer for Christmas... please take a look.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

complete escape... :)

Hey, I am around - the kids are back at school tomorrow so I should have time to catch up time I hope.

Happy New Year :)

From me there are no resolutions as such, more wishes perhaps.

New Year started cut off on a tiny island, only accessible at low tide, which meant we had it completely to ourselves. For two days it was our very own island...full of it's own unique treasures.

A perfect escape with some great people ~ a chilled out, beautiful group of creative, expressive, thoughtful, fun loving friends, some old and some new ~ eating, drinking, walking, playing games, relaxing, just being. Forgetting time and enjoying experiencing the moment.

It was ~
A new start,
a clean slate,
a new day,
a new year ~ full of possibility, potential, dreams...

I returned refreshed and renewed ~

perhaps the wind blew more than cobwebs away,

the stillness focused the soul aswell as the mind,

and the beauty did more than inspire and re energise...

It was a couple of days to step out of this life, and at the end of it walk back across the causeway into a new year and ready to face whatever wonder 2010 holds.

For a while we stepped off this world and came back a year later... with new eyes perhaps...